
China Cities Tours

Sand little fork in the Pearl River White Swan Pond River, covers an area of ​​330 acres. After the outbreak of the Second Opium War, Xianfeng nine years (AD 1859), English, French invaders With the unequal treaties signed in order to "restore business Matheson Museum," as an excuse, according to an acre of land one thousand five hundred Coin The so-called concession fees, rent sand forced the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Invaders dug a river to separate the sand and Chaki, workers repairing levees, fill the base building to form a sand island. Sand east 1 Visit China,/ 5 for the French Concession, approximately 66 acres. West of the 4 / 5 for the British concession, about 264 acres. Provisions of the creek along the sand 90 feet wide, close to the range of 45 feet of sand surface is sand concession. Chinese ships can not berth. To the 19th century, the sand has become a concession with a variety of public facilities, independent of the city of Guangzhou city. Concession of powers by the British and French Consul General in Guangzhou, the direct control. After the formation of sand concession, the British, and French invaders began the construction of various buildings in the sand. It supplemented a few east-west trunk road north-south aspect of the secondary roads, the sand surface (about 22 million square meters) divided into 12 districts of varying sizes, including road and accounted for a large green belt area.

British and French consulates in the island is divided into, from the late 19th century to early 20th century, Shamian Concessions and public facilities is basically complete, the main consulate building, churches, banks, post office, telegraph office, businesses, hospitals, hotels and the main house, in addition to clubs, bars, tennis courts and swimming pool, with its residents are mostly consulates, banks, Matheson's staff and foreign tax officials and missionaries. Most of the sand surface building built in the late 19th century. There are a class of political consulate buildings, churches, schools, a class of cultural construction, banking, business Matheson for a class office building ... China City Tours... building sand essentially the form and style of Western Europe, it is generally preserved in China in English and French-based group of Western classical architecture. In addition, Gothic, neo-classical style and other shapes, different styles of buildings. 1996. Sand surface buildings were designated as national cultural heritage. Of which 53 buildings were listed as national cultural heritage. This 53 national heritage, in addition to 37 private ones, there is Zhiguangongfang 16. Subsequently, the Government of the sand on the island more than 80 heritage buildings are protected by the implementation of a comprehensive policy to focus on finishing more than 10 buildings modified to Shamian Island, built a beautiful building Western-style Grand View Garden.visit china, ,For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatours41.blogspot.com/

